Version reviewed

The Art of Checkers

Top Secrets Revealed by the Masters

A 30 Game Freestyle Subscription Match between Tom Wiswell, Brooklyn, NY (U.S.A. Champion) vs. W. R. Fraser, Montreal, Canada (Challenger)

1964 Edition with 96 pages, Authored by W. R. Fraser and Tommie Wiswell

Printed by Gordon Hester, 811 Park Place, Austin 5, Texas

Copyright 1964 Harry Ruff, The Checker Veteran, PO 76, Wood Winsconsin.

About the Authors

W. R. Fraser (1908-1972)

Considered one of the best Canadian players in history. He did hold the Canadian Match Championship for over a decade and was a Professor of Humanities at St. George. At one time he was rated top 5 in America having beaten such players like Newell Banks, Richard Fortman, Norman Wrexler. He did have two losing efforts against Tom Wiswell for the Go As You Please World Championship. He did author or co-author several books most notably “The Inferno of Checkers” and “International Checkers and Draughts”.

Tom Wiswell (1910-1998)

Millard Hopper and Tom Wiswell (left to right)

Thomas George Wiswell was a noted problemist, publisher and player. In his lifetime he only won one major tourney that was the 1938 New York Masters. However he compiled an excellent record in match play.

He won the Go As You Please World Championship from Millard Hopper in 1951 by a score of 7-2-27, and he defended it in 1953 by drawing the match with Hopper 2-2-36. He twice defended the title against Canadian Champion W.R. Fraser winning 2-0-37 in 1956 and by a score of 7-0-27 in 1959-60.

Tom Wiswell until his retirement was famous for his cross country exhibition tours where he promoted the game. Most will remember him as a great checkers educator throughout his many publications.

To name just some of his publications and contributions

Books & Booklets

  • The Science of Checkers and Draughts
  • The Wonderful World of Checkers and Draughts
  • Checker Kings in Action
  • America’s Best Checkers
  • Let’s Play Checkers
  • Complete Guide to Checkers
  • Twentieth Century Checkers
  • Learn Checkers Fast

Book index




Who is this book for?

This is for every lover of good Go As You Pleased games as those were the 1960 World Championship games. For beginners not the first book to have but cant hurt to look at some good games of to masterful players. Collector well what to say? Its World Championship games.


All in a all a fine publication of both gentleman. It is a small handy booklet that is well worth having in your collection.


5 Star

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