Version Reviewed

Complete Checkers

Print version with 711 numbered pages marked as 3rd revised edition July 2019 by Avi Gobbler Publishing, Honolulu.

First Publication June 2017. The image is taking from the print edition.

ISBN: 9-781542-464369

About the author

Richard Pask – Draughts Grandmaster


Mr. Pask was born in Weymouth, on 1st December 1961.

His interest in the game was only sparked when, at the age of 11, he stumbled across books by Willie Ryan and Tom Wiswell in his local library.

However, it was not until he was 17, when he joined the EDA (English Draughts Association) and ACF (American Checker Federation), that he began to study the game seriously.

He managed to establish himself as a seasoned player during the years from 1983-1991. Although he lost his 1990 match for the British Championship with Derek Oldbury by the score of 0-3 and 13 draws, he was not at all discouraged, and believes that subsequent matches might well have turned out differently.

Becoming a full-time teacher in 1993 largely crimped Mr. Pask’s crossboard ambitions, although he successfully competed for the English Match Championship five times between 1995 and 2006, and forced him to concentrate on his book writing activities.

Draughts achievements:
English Match Champion: 1995-2006 (40-0 & 34 draws)
British Open Championship: 2nd in 1984, 1986 and 1990 (23-2 & 35 draws)
Board 1 for England: 1984 and 1988 Home Internationals (6-0 & 26 draws)
UK and Ireland v USA: 1983 and 1989 (2-3 & 35 draws)
County Championships (Avon): 1984-1997 (10-1 & 33 draws)
Avon Open Champion: 1987-1989 (35-2 & 25 draws)

Total score between 1984 and 2002: 161 wins, 13 losses and 334 draws (65%)

Books written on the game of draughts: 35

– Shorten from the online version of Checkers for the Novice –

Book index




Who is this book for?

As the title says it is a monumental work with 711 pages it dwarfs Kears Encyclopedia with around 516 pages and Basic Checkers with 504 pages. Richard Pask is giving the player all the tools that one does need to obtain a good expert, master, or grandmaster level. If you are starting out it is not the book for you. It clearly aims at the expert, master, or grandmaster player.


It is a very big work in a textbook style. It has all the opening broken down for an expert, master, or grandmaster level. It has some explanation but not like Basic Checkers which goes into great detail. It is more to give you a safe start and then try to develop your own style and do your own research. It is the latest work so the play is more picture-perfect as it’s double-checked by some of the latest computer analysis.


5 Star

Where to obtain

As usual Checker Maven is the go to page.

Checker Maven – Complete Checkers

or if you do prefer a commercial version of it


Alternative Opening Books

Basic Checkers

Lees’ Guide

The British Draughts Player

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