There are openings in the 9-14 that are all of the Double Corner family. Therefore they are all named Double Corner initially with some additions during the 2-move and/or 3-move era. One can see a fine example out of it example of them in Basic Checkers where Richard Fortman grouped the openings. It is named because of the move from the double corner side which is field 5 and 1.

9-14 forms the openings of the Double Corner Family.

9-14, 22-17, 11-15, 25-22, 15-19 forms the Double Corner Dyke.

9-14, 22-18, 5-9, 18-15 forms the Bronx Express so named by William Ryan.

9-14, 23-18, 14-23 forms the Double Cross.

9-14, 22-18, 14-17 forms the Pluto.

9-14, 23-19, 10-15 forms The Rattlesnake.