An iconography of draughts
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An iconography of draughts
Couldn’t make out if it is the first edition or second as the introduction mentions first edition but there is mentioning of a second edition to a later publishing date in the volume. So educated guess its 2nd edition.
Published: August 31, 2019 with 260 pages, 2nd Edition November 2019 is an reproduction of more than 300 paintings and drawings, full colour. With illustrated historical sketch on the history of checkers (draughts) and chess.
As a publisher is given Uitgeverij van der Stoep, Hooge Ywalue, The Netherlands.
ISBN: 978-901-70871-44-4
About the authors
Win van Mourik (Holland – 1950)
Physiotherapist (1973) Honorary Member of the Royal Ducht Draughts Federation.
In the family tradition (from 1915) he is the third generation playing draughts in a club, national competition and tournaments.
His entire life he is amazed at the apparent simplicity of the game. However, one can play 10,000 games and they are all different, as strategy and complex combinations go together, whereas the obligation to take guarantees a great depth.
A great interest in archaeology led to inquries into the history of draughts. He wrote his first articles in 1975 during his compulsory military service. Wrote and articles and did research for the draughts journal “Het Nieuwe Damspel) (1976-1992), a journal that emphasized solitary draughts. Has since 1982 a column in “Het Damspiel”, the magazine of the Dutch Federation.
China invited him at the First World Mind Sport Games (Beijing 2008), asking him to give presentations about the history of draughts.
As a member of the International Bord Games Studies Association since 2011 he gives presentations at universities symposiums all over Europe. Together wwith the Itlaian team Centrao Studi Triplice Cinta he searches for ancient inscriptions of the alquerque board.
His most important contribution however is his collection of picture on draughts in art; the present number is 2,900. The visual image affirms the result of historical research; more and more the imp0otant position of draughts in the cultural evolution of Europe is coming to the surface.
Arie van der Stoep, Holland (1944)
Composer of draughts (checkers) compositions on 100 squares; title International Grandmaster.
Study Dutch Language and Literature in Rottderdam (1965-1973) and Leiden (1984-1985). Doctoral research Leiden (1985-1997). Title dissertation (translated): “About the origin of the Dutch game name damspel” (1997). The starting point of the investigati0on was the question: “What is the etymology of the French game name jeu de dames = ‘draughts’? The road to the answer was a historical analysis of words for the board game draughts, chess, tables and morris in especially Dutch, French, German, Italian, Spanish and Latin. The answer was: “The French game name dames is a new meaning of the medieval French word dam, which meant ‘dam, dike to stop the water”. This thesis pus continued linguistic research are the basis of research into the history of the four mentioned board games.
Book index
Book is in English and Dutch and contains many images of old portraits and other useful information on the history of draughts! Sorry for the scan quality but I do not have a specific book scanner and its a big volume hard bound book.
Who is this book for
Someone interested in arts and of course in draughts and the relationship in arts. Its a wonderful resource as well.
Frankly I am totally impressed by the book and it is an never ending treasure of pictures and scientific information on the game of checkers and draughts. While of course such a book can never be complete it is the best and only I came across! Must buy for draughts lover and book collector.
How to obtain?
You can place an order at
The book is self published and described as
Published: August 31, 2019. 260 pages, reproduction of more than 300 paintings and drawings, full colour. With illustrated historical sketch on the history of checkers (draughts) and chess. €30,–, excluding shipment. Orders: ln.li1737752520amnpk1737752520@peot1737752520sredn1737752520avjir1737752520evegt1737752520iu1737752520.
Comments on and questions about the site: ln.te1737752520nalpn1737752520pk@pe1737752520ots.a1737752520.
Please order quickly Mr. Van der Stoep did mention supply is limited.