Version Reviewed

Draughts Player’s Guide, Frank Dunne

Edition reviewed: 182 numbered pages

New York, Dick & Fitzgerald

About the author

Frank Dunne (1852-1914)

One of the finest Analysts of early draughts in the UK and a shoemaker by trade. Back in the day, he is often named with the likes of James Lees or August Heffner. He was a regular selection to represent England in their matches against Scotland. He did run a column in the Leeds Mercury Weekly Supplement and annotated the Barker vs Smith match and the Campbell vs Reed. He did author Draughts Players Guide and Companion as well as Draughts Praxis.

Book index




Who is this book for?

Its a big mix out of different things. I would recommend it to a person looking to get a general overview over various topics and various styles of draughts.


All in a big mix of various things but I did enjoy browsing the book and looking at some things. Material is very well selected and it does cover a lot of different topics and draughts styles. It is as well one of the few books covering losing draughts. This book got something for every draughts or checker players entertainment.


5 Star

Where to obtain

For the free PDF version at the library of Congress

For a reprint or an original version


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